
Grant Huang, Wendy David, MaryHelen Lindsay, Bonnie Weinberg

Best advice your coach ever gave you?

You can do anything and you must believe in yourself.

Test level?

Intermediate MIF    Pre-Juv Freeskate


Leawood, KS


Overland Trail Middle School

College/Career Plans?

Professional Figure Skater/Coach

Astrological sign?

9/19/2003    Virgo

Long term skating goal?

Master All my Triples

Short term skating goal?

Master my Double Axel

Favorite skating discipline?


Favorite skating element?

Double Loop

Favorite personal program?

Verruca Salt

Who do you admire? 

My Coaches

Favorite book 

Harry Potter Series

Favorite hobby outside of skating 


Favorite movie 

 Harry Potter Series

Favorite type of music (genre/song/artist) 

Taylor Swift

Favorite TV show

Modern Family

Favorite food 


Favorite quote

“The mark of a great sportsman is not how good they are at their best but how good they are at their worst.” -Martina Navratilova

What was the last picture you took on your phone?

 A picture of Me and Coach Wendy, but before that was me doing a Russian Split!

What advice would you give to a newbie?

 Keep trying even though it gets really hard!

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
